Picture Pages Picture Pages: Oxford '05

Description: I took a trip to Oxford, UK for the Computer Science Logic 2005 conference. See also "artistic" pictures from this trip.

Old Library
1280 × 812 (425Kb)
800 × 507 (191Kb)


Old Bindings
1280 × 853 (429Kb)
800 × 533 (180Kb)

Old Books
1280 × 853 (173Kb)
800 × 533 (83Kb)


Old Books 2
1280 × 853 (199Kb)
800 × 533 (93Kb)

Old Spines
1280 × 853 (243Kb)
800 × 533 (115Kb)


Bombe components
1280 × 853 (324Kb)
800 × 533 (158Kb)

Bombe wiring
1280 × 853 (305Kb)
800 × 533 (141Kb)


Type-X keys
1280 × 853 (280Kb)
800 × 533 (120Kb)

Sunrise over Newark
1280 × 853 (244Kb)
800 × 533 (115Kb)


Radcliffe Camera
800 × 792 (275Kb)

ww2 british army car
1024 × 683 (251Kb)


virtual memory
800 × 533 (109Kb)

1024 × 694 (228Kb)


800 × 533 (87Kb)

Tom in Oxford
800 × 533 (101Kb)


through gate
1024 × 683 (251Kb)

Tables at night
1024 × 683 (167Kb)


My room at night
1024 × 683 (54Kb)

LHR terminal3
1109 × 400 (159Kb)


Bridge of Sighs
1024 × 683 (292Kb)

Colossus rebild
1024 × 683 (294Kb)


CSL at bletchley
1024 × 683 (333Kb)

CSL enters bletchley
1024 × 683 (210Kb)


Eagle and Child
1024 × 683 (227Kb)

800 × 533 (129Kb)


EWR at night
1024 × 683 (119Kb)

Front quad at night
1024 × 683 (180Kb)


Bombe mechanism
1024 × 683 (301Kb)

Magpie lane
1024 × 683 (253Kb)


Merton cathedral
1024 × 683 (230Kb)

Merton front quad
1024 × 886 (236Kb)


Mob quad
800 × 533 (171Kb)

nice sunset
1024 × 683 (132Kb)


Polish plaque
1024 × 683 (299Kb)

Rabbit room
1024 × 683 (189Kb)